History of the department
The Department of obstetrics and gynecology №1 organized in September 2000 when the Second state medical Institute, head of the Department –doctor of medical Sciences Professor Ayupova Farida Mirzaeva. Since 2001, the Department organized the magistracy in “Obstetrics gynecology”.
In 2005 there had been a merging of the First and Second Medical Institute with the organization of the Tashkent medical Academy. In connection with the reorganization of one-field departments, our Department was called the Department of obstetrics and gynecology medical and medical – prophylactic faculties.
In 2013, in connection with the merger of two departments: the Department of obstetrics and gynecology medical and medical-prophylactic faculty and Professor of obstetrics and gynecology CVM Department was named the Department of obstetrics and gynecology IV-V courses.
In 2015, in connection with the formation of a new faculty for advanced training, the department received the name: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1.
The Department has students 4 and 5 of the course of therapeutic, prophylactic and medical and pedagogical faculties on subjects of “Obstetrics” and “Gynecology”.
The Department is stationed on bases: obstetric complexes No. 4, No. 9 of the city of Tashkent.
Currently the Department has 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 8 assistants.
Members of the Department spend most educational-methodical, educational and organizational, scientific, medical, spiritual and educational work with the aim of training General practitioners and masters.
For the first time in the Republic when the Department organized the Center of practical skills for students, undergraduates and practitioners.
The Department is developing scientific problem: “Medico – social and organizational aspects of paediatrics and reproductive health of women. Scientific work in addition to the basic structure of the Department are: 1 doctoral candidate and 32 undergraduates.
Since 2000, the Department defended – 7 and 32 doctoral dissertations. Published: textbooks “Akusherlik” 2009, 2012, “Akusherlik” 2013, “Gynecology” 2006, 2008, 2010, “Ginekologiya” 2015, 28 guidelines for practitioners, 39 methodical recommendation and 350 journal articles and abstracts.