Therapeutic activity of the department
The medical work of the department has several directions:
– advisory
– therapeutic
– training
– operational
– emergency
– duty on obstetric complex
– duty on the Republican San. Aviation.
The professors of the department hold morning conferences, where systematic analysis of complex clinical situations, complicated deliveries and operations is carried out. The analysis is carried out in accordance with the principles of classical obstetrics and gynecology and the currently existing regulatory documents (standards, protocols, recommendations from WHO), recommendations are given on how to handle similar situations. In the departments of the obstetric complex, professors of the department conduct rounds and counseling of patients who deserve attention, a concept of pregnancy and childbirth is being developed. Responsible for gynecological resuscitation and gynecological department is Professor Ayupova FM, for obstetric resuscitation, I and II obstetric departments is professor Babadzhanova G.S. and the department of pathology of pregnancy is Professor Saidzhalilova DD. All the associate professors, senior lecturers and assistants of the department constantly carry out medical work (ward management in the departments of the hospital).
Employees of the department own operative technique of abdominal operations on the uterus and appendages (cesarean section, uterus amputation, abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy, plastic surgery, cystectomy, adnexectomy, tubectomy).
Clinical conferences of obstetricians and family polyclinics are held weekly, where department staff, according to the plan, give lectures on topical issues of obstetrics and gynecology, give reviews on cases of perinatal mortality.
Employees of the department monthly on duty at the obstetric complex. However, all members of the department are able to provide emergency assistance to pregnant women, new mothers, newborns, gynecological patients.
Duty on the Republican San. Aviation is carried out monthly by associate professors Abdullaev L.M., Nigmatova G.M., Shukurov F.I., Bekbaulieva G.N., Khodjaeva D.N. and Saidzhalilova DD
The faculty of the department is actively involved in the preparation of national and local standards for the management of pregnant women, parturient women and puerperas
Chef activity of the department
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology also carries out patronage activities in the Khorezm and Fergana regions. Responsible for the patronage work at the department is Professor Ayupova FM and Professor Babadzhanova G.S.
Each year, patronage groups conduct clinical trials of maternal mortality cases in the region, patient consultations, demonstration operations, and work on the explanation of contraceptive methods.