Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.1 TMA

Tel: +99893 171-16-64



1972-1978. Tashkent State Medical Institute, a student of the Faculty of Medicine

1978-1979gg. – Internship in the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology, maternity hospital №6 of Tashkent city

Work experience:

1979-1982 – doctor obstetrician and gynecologist of maternity hospital №6

1982-1988 – Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, doctor gynecologist of the dispensary department

1988 – 1994 – Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tashkent State Medical Institute, then Tashkent State Medical Institute-2

1994-1996 – senior lecturer there

1996-2004 – associate professor in the same place

2004- till present time – professor of the department

Scientific activity:

PhD dissertation: “Working conditions and the state of the reproductive system in women engaged in the production of natural silk” – 14.00.07 (hygiene) and 14.00.01 (obstetrics and gynecology) – 1988.

Doctoral dissertation: “Pathogenetic aspects of reproductive disorders, their correction and prognosis of healthy offspring in women with certain types of chronic TORCH infections” – 14.00.01 – obstetrics and gynecology – 2003.

Head of Applied Grant Project 2006-2008. “Development of modern effective methods of diagnosis, treatment of benign epithelial ovarian tumors and prevention of their complications”

The head of the innovative grant project 2012-2013gg. “Introduction of modern effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of benign ovarian tumors, prevention of their complications”

The head of the innovative grant project 2014-2015gg. “Determination of the risk of premature birth and their prediction in pregnant women”

Has let out 5 pupils: 1 doctor’s, 4 master’s dissertations.

I graduated 5 master’s dissertations; I am a moderator for 4 masters.

Member of the Problem Committee of the TMA on Obstetrics-Gynecology and Childhood Illnesses

The main areas of practice:

development of methods for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of actual gynecological problems – infertility, ovarian tumors, myoma, endometriosis; obstetric problems – premature birth, reduction of perinatal pathology and mortality in women with chronic infections.

The main directions of scientific activity:

studying the mechanisms of development of reproductive disorders in women with preterm birth, development of modern algorithms for diagnosing and treating infertility, fibroids, endometriosis and other pathologies.

Awards: Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan 1978. and the Breastplate “Excellent worker of public health services” – 2009г.

Scientific publications over the past 5 years:

  1. Nature of changes endotheliocytes of miscarriage International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 10 Congress of the Society of Gynecology,  Bruxelles, 19-23 Sept, 2013, Vol.XXXV – N.4. – P.656-658
  2. Application of modern technology to determine the type of uterine fibroids and treatment options International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 10 Congress of the Society of Gynecology,  Bruxelles, 19-23 Sept, 2013, Vol.XXXV – N.4. – P. 623-625
  3. Особенности течения беременности у женщин с инфекцией мочевыводящих путей на фоне гипертензивных нарушений.
  4. Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 4-6
  5. Патогенетические аспекты развития фолликулярных кист яичников Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья. – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 68-71
  6. Особенности течения беременности у женщин с инфекцией мочевыводящих путей на фоне гипертензивных нарушений. Вестник дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья  – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 4-6
  7. Патогенетические аспекты развития фолликулярных кист яичников Вестник дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья. – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 68-71
  8. Efficiency of complex treatment and rehabilitation of myoma of the uterus in patients with infertility
  9. 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany. Giornale Italiano di Ostetrica e Ginecologia – VXXXVI, nov-dec, 2014 – P. 596-598
  10. The role of prophylactic examinations of adolescent girls in detection of pathology of the reproductive system. Там жe, P. 463-464
  11. The role of treatment of infection generic ways of pregnant women in the prevention of preterm birth Там же, P. 536-538
  12. The use of surfactant in the treatment of out stationary pneumonia pregnant and its influence on the development of distress in preterm infants Там же, P. 587-589
  13. Роль патологии печени и желчевыводящих путей в развитии гипертензии у беременных Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья  – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 33-34
  14. Особенности иммунологических нарушений при привычном невынашивании беременности Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья  – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 34-35
  15. Тезисы
  16. Эффективность применения новых технологий ухода за недоношенными новорожденными в Ферганском перинатальном центре. Матер. Междунар. конференции «Мать и дитя, 2014», Москва, сент.2014г.
  17. Современные технологии в профилактике преждевременных родов. – там же. С.
  18. Матер. Междунар. конференции «Мать и дитя, 2014», Москва, сент.2014г
  19. Современные подходы к диагностике и лечению синдрома
  20. поликистозных яичников
  21. 7- Международный научный конгресс «Оперативная гинекология – новые технологии». 29 – 31 октября 2014, Санкт-Петербург
  22. Характер патологии шейки матки у женщин носителей внутриматочных средств
  23. 7- Международный научный конгресс «Оперативная гинекология – новые технологии». 29 – 31 октября 2014, Санкт-Петербург
  24. Efficiency of complex treatment and rehabilitation of myoma of the uterus in patients with infertility
  25. 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany, Giornale Italiano di Ostetrica e Ginecologia – VXXXVI, nov-dec, 2014 – P.102
  26. The role of prophylactic examinations of adolescent girls in detection of pathology of the reproductive system 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany, P.101
  27. The role of treatment of infection generic ways of pregnant women in the prevention of preterm birth
  28. 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, P.196
  29. The use of surfactant in the treatment of out stationary pneumonia pregnant and its influence on the development of distress in preterm infants
  30. 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, P.195
  31. Факторы риска привычного невынашивания Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья.  – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 156
  32. Профилактика тромботических осложнений у беременных с варикозной болезнью Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья  – Т.,2016. – №1-2. – С 24-25
  33. Патогенез антифосфолипидного синдрома в причине невынашивания беременности Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья  – Т.,2016. – №1-2. – С
  34. Efficiency of introduction of modern technologies is in perinatal center- Giornali Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia. – Italy,  XXXVIII, Gennaio-Febbraio, 2016. P. 38-40
  35. Character of disorders of menstrual function for girls-adolscent
  36. Giornali Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia. – Italy, XXXVIII, Gennaio-Febbraio, 2016. P. 35-37
  37. Efficiency of introduction of modern technologies is in perinatal center
  38. 17th World congress of gynecological endocrinology – 2-5 march, 2016. Italy, P. 218
  39. Character of disorders of menstrual function for girls-adolscent
  40. 17th World congress of gynecological endocrinology – 2-5 march, 2016. Italy, P. 18
  41. Importance of cervicometrics in predicting of spotaneus premature deliveries 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Antalya, Turkey, 17-21 May 2017
  42. Цитотоксическая активность фактора TGFβ2 относительно клеток миомы матки – Лечебное дело 2017, №3-4, с. 63-67.
  43. Differential diagnosis and treatment of uteris myoma associated with adenomyosis – The 25th World congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI), Vienna, Austria, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017, P.105
  44. Features of the course of pregnancy and their outcomes in women with cardiac pathology – The 25th World congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI), Vienna, Austria, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017, P.105-106.
  45. Современный взгляд на диагностику и лечение миомы матки у женщин репродуктивного возраста. – Биология и интегральная медицина. – Электрон. Научный журнал. – 2017, №2. – С.64-79
  46. Оценка ведения беременности и родов у женщин с миомой матки. – Биология и интегральная медицина. – Электрон. Научный журнал. – 2017, №2. – С.111-117
  47. Особенности состояния фетоплацентарного комплекса у беременных женщин при варикозной болезни вен нижних конечностей и органов малого таза. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.33-34
  48. Медико-социальная характеристика женщин с резус-отрицательной принадлежность крови. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.34-35
  49. Оценка эффективности современного лечения миомы матки у женщин репродуктивного возраста. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.35-36

Patents: “Program for determining the type of myomatous nodes in women with uterine myoma ”      Identity card DGU № 03154

Textbooks and manuals:

Akusherlik 2013   “Mehridaryo” MCHJ, Тошкент, 2013. – 422б.