Babadjanova Guljaxan
Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No.1 TMA
Tel: +99893 171-16-64
1972-1978. Tashkent State Medical Institute, a student of the Faculty of Medicine
1978-1979gg. – Internship in the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology, maternity hospital №6 of Tashkent city
Work experience:
1979-1982 – doctor obstetrician and gynecologist of maternity hospital №6
1982-1988 – Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, doctor gynecologist of the dispensary department
1988 – 1994 – Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tashkent State Medical Institute, then Tashkent State Medical Institute-2
1994-1996 – senior lecturer there
1996-2004 – associate professor in the same place
2004- till present time – professor of the department
Scientific activity:
PhD dissertation: “Working conditions and the state of the reproductive system in women engaged in the production of natural silk” – 14.00.07 (hygiene) and 14.00.01 (obstetrics and gynecology) – 1988.
Doctoral dissertation: “Pathogenetic aspects of reproductive disorders, their correction and prognosis of healthy offspring in women with certain types of chronic TORCH infections” – 14.00.01 – obstetrics and gynecology – 2003.
Head of Applied Grant Project 2006-2008. “Development of modern effective methods of diagnosis, treatment of benign epithelial ovarian tumors and prevention of their complications”
The head of the innovative grant project 2012-2013gg. “Introduction of modern effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of benign ovarian tumors, prevention of their complications”
The head of the innovative grant project 2014-2015gg. “Determination of the risk of premature birth and their prediction in pregnant women”
Has let out 5 pupils: 1 doctor’s, 4 master’s dissertations.
I graduated 5 master’s dissertations; I am a moderator for 4 masters.
Member of the Problem Committee of the TMA on Obstetrics-Gynecology and Childhood Illnesses
The main areas of practice:
development of methods for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of actual gynecological problems – infertility, ovarian tumors, myoma, endometriosis; obstetric problems – premature birth, reduction of perinatal pathology and mortality in women with chronic infections.
The main directions of scientific activity:
studying the mechanisms of development of reproductive disorders in women with preterm birth, development of modern algorithms for diagnosing and treating infertility, fibroids, endometriosis and other pathologies.
Awards: Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan 1978. and the Breastplate “Excellent worker of public health services” – 2009г.
Scientific publications over the past 5 years:
- Nature of changes endotheliocytes of miscarriage International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 10 Congress of the Society of Gynecology, Bruxelles, 19-23 Sept, 2013, Vol.XXXV – N.4. – P.656-658
- Application of modern technology to determine the type of uterine fibroids and treatment options International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 10 Congress of the Society of Gynecology, Bruxelles, 19-23 Sept, 2013, Vol.XXXV – N.4. – P. 623-625
- Особенности течения беременности у женщин с инфекцией мочевыводящих путей на фоне гипертензивных нарушений.
- Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 4-6
- Патогенетические аспекты развития фолликулярных кист яичников Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья. – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 68-71
- Особенности течения беременности у женщин с инфекцией мочевыводящих путей на фоне гипертензивных нарушений. Вестник дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 4-6
- Патогенетические аспекты развития фолликулярных кист яичников Вестник дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья. – Т., 2014. – №3. – С. 68-71
- Efficiency of complex treatment and rehabilitation of myoma of the uterus in patients with infertility
- 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany. Giornale Italiano di Ostetrica e Ginecologia – VXXXVI, nov-dec, 2014 – P. 596-598
- The role of prophylactic examinations of adolescent girls in detection of pathology of the reproductive system. Там жe, P. 463-464
- The role of treatment of infection generic ways of pregnant women in the prevention of preterm birth Там же, P. 536-538
- The use of surfactant in the treatment of out stationary pneumonia pregnant and its influence on the development of distress in preterm infants Там же, P. 587-589
- Роль патологии печени и желчевыводящих путей в развитии гипертензии у беременных Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 33-34
- Особенности иммунологических нарушений при привычном невынашивании беременности Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 34-35
- Тезисы
- Эффективность применения новых технологий ухода за недоношенными новорожденными в Ферганском перинатальном центре. Матер. Междунар. конференции «Мать и дитя, 2014», Москва, сент.2014г.
- Современные технологии в профилактике преждевременных родов. – там же. С.
- Матер. Междунар. конференции «Мать и дитя, 2014», Москва, сент.2014г
- Современные подходы к диагностике и лечению синдрома
- поликистозных яичников
- 7- Международный научный конгресс «Оперативная гинекология – новые технологии». 29 – 31 октября 2014, Санкт-Петербург
- Характер патологии шейки матки у женщин носителей внутриматочных средств
- 7- Международный научный конгресс «Оперативная гинекология – новые технологии». 29 – 31 октября 2014, Санкт-Петербург
- Efficiency of complex treatment and rehabilitation of myoma of the uterus in patients with infertility
- 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany, Giornale Italiano di Ostetrica e Ginecologia – VXXXVI, nov-dec, 2014 – P.102
- The role of prophylactic examinations of adolescent girls in detection of pathology of the reproductive system 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, Berlin, Germany, P.101
- The role of treatment of infection generic ways of pregnant women in the prevention of preterm birth
- 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, P.196
- The use of surfactant in the treatment of out stationary pneumonia pregnant and its influence on the development of distress in preterm infants
- 16th World congress on human reproduction, 18-21 march, 2015, P.195
- Факторы риска привычного невынашивания Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья. – Т., 2015. – №2. – С. 156
- Профилактика тромботических осложнений у беременных с варикозной болезнью Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т.,2016. – №1-2. – С 24-25
- Патогенез антифосфолипидного синдрома в причине невынашивания беременности Новости дерматовенерологии и репродукт. Здоровья – Т.,2016. – №1-2. – С
- Efficiency of introduction of modern technologies is in perinatal center- Giornali Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia. – Italy, XXXVIII, Gennaio-Febbraio, 2016. P. 38-40
- Character of disorders of menstrual function for girls-adolscent
- Giornali Italiano di ostetricia e ginecologia. – Italy, XXXVIII, Gennaio-Febbraio, 2016. P. 35-37
- Efficiency of introduction of modern technologies is in perinatal center
- 17th World congress of gynecological endocrinology – 2-5 march, 2016. Italy, P. 218
- Character of disorders of menstrual function for girls-adolscent
- 17th World congress of gynecological endocrinology – 2-5 march, 2016. Italy, P. 18
- Importance of cervicometrics in predicting of spotaneus premature deliveries 25th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Antalya, Turkey, 17-21 May 2017
- Цитотоксическая активность фактора TGFβ2 относительно клеток миомы матки – Лечебное дело 2017, №3-4, с. 63-67.
- Differential diagnosis and treatment of uteris myoma associated with adenomyosis – The 25th World congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI), Vienna, Austria, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017, P.105
- Features of the course of pregnancy and their outcomes in women with cardiac pathology – The 25th World congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI), Vienna, Austria, Nov 30-Dec 2, 2017, P.105-106.
- Современный взгляд на диагностику и лечение миомы матки у женщин репродуктивного возраста. – Биология и интегральная медицина. – Электрон. Научный журнал. – 2017, №2. – С.64-79
- Оценка ведения беременности и родов у женщин с миомой матки. – Биология и интегральная медицина. – Электрон. Научный журнал. – 2017, №2. – С.111-117
- Особенности состояния фетоплацентарного комплекса у беременных женщин при варикозной болезни вен нижних конечностей и органов малого таза. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.33-34
- Медико-социальная характеристика женщин с резус-отрицательной принадлежность крови. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.34-35
- Оценка эффективности современного лечения миомы матки у женщин репродуктивного возраста. – Новости дерматологии и репродуктивного здоровья. – 2017, №3-4, – С.35-36
Patents: “Program for determining the type of myomatous nodes in women with uterine myoma ” Identity card DGU № 03154
Textbooks and manuals:
Akusherlik 2013 “Mehridaryo” MCHJ, Тошкент, 2013. – 422б.