The administration of the Tashkent Medical Academy (TMA) announces the holding of an international educational and methodological conference on the topic “Achievements and prospects for the development of medical education” on January 5, 2024 and the acceptance of abstracts for publication in the conference collection.
Main directions of the conference:
1. Credit-module system and organization of the educational process.
2. The role of simulation training in improving the quality of medical education.
3. The role of digitalization in medical training.
4. Independent learning: problems and prospects.
5. Various issues of education in medicine.
The conference materials will be published in a collection of abstracts. Requirements for abstract formatting: volume no more than 1 page (A4 format), font – Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing 1 cm, page parameters on the left side 3 cm, on the right side 1.5 cm, top and bottom 2 cm. Thesis structure: the first line is the title of the work (in capital letters in the center), the second line is the authors (in lowercase letters in the center, Last name, first name and patronymic), the third line is the name of the institution, city (with italics in the center).
The main content of the thesis is stated from the fourth line. The authors’ contacts (phone number, email address) and the form of participation in the conference (report or publication only) must be indicated at the end of the abstract. Abstracts must be sent electronically to indicating the name of the conference in the subject line.
Abstracts are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English. The file must be submitted indicating the surname of the first author, for example, Akhmedova.doc
The authors are personally responsible for grammatical and stylistic errors provided in the work, as well as for its content.
Deadline for abstract acceptance is December 25, 2023
Email for submitting abstracts:
Organizing committee contacts: 90-3504157, 97-7726300